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    Ensuring the Safety and Health of Imported Equines: A Look Inside ARK’s Advanced Quarantine Protocols


    When it comes to the importation of horses, ensuring their health and safety is a paramount concern. ARK’s quarantine facilities stand at the forefront of this effort, employing advanced technologies and protocols to protect these noble animals from the moment they arrive. This article delves into the intricate processes and state-of-the-art measures ARK implements to maintain the highest standards of equine quarantine.

    The Design of ARK’s Quarantine Facilities

    ARK’s quarantine barns and stalls are designed to accommodate various quarantine needs. Whether it’s a lot exclusive barn, where a single group occupies an entire barn, or independent single stall quarantines for individual cases, ARK is prepared. Each stall boasts individual ventilation systems, ensuring that both intake and exhaust air are filtered through 3 microgram HEPA filters. Moreover, the inclusion of negative pressure phoenix valves in each stall prevents the spread of aerosolized pathogens, safeguarding the common areas from contamination.

    Quarantine Durations and Protocols

    The duration of quarantine at ARK is determined by USDA guidelines, which consider the horses’ country of origin and their transit history. While the stalls are reserved for full 3 or 7-day quarantines, ARK’s efficient monitoring can sometimes allow for early releases, significantly reducing the stress on the animals and their caretakers.

    Stall Configurations and Preparation

    ARK’s barns are versatile, with configurations ranging from 2 to 12 stalls to suit different lot sizes. This flexibility ensures optimal occupancy and minimizes the need for single-stall quarantines, which are reserved for special circumstances. The preparation of these stalls is meticulous, involving thorough cleaning, bedding, and the provision of fresh water and hay, all monitored and maintained throughout the horses’ stay.

    Monitoring and Health Checks

    ARK staff are vigilant in their duties, conducting regular visual checks and health assessments every 2-4 hours. This proactive approach allows for the early detection of any signs of illness or distress, ensuring prompt medical intervention. Temperature checks are performed twice daily, with any additional treatments or veterinary care meticulously documented and communicated to all relevant parties.

    Biosecurity and Staff Protocols

    Biosecurity is a cornerstone of ARK’s operations. Staff adhere to strict protocols, donning protective gear and following decontamination procedures to prevent cross-contamination. Foot baths, disposable PPE, and cleaning of stalls and equipment are just some of the measures in place to maintain a sterile environment.


    ARK’s quarantine facilities represent the gold standard in equine health and safety during the importation process. Through their innovative design, stringent health monitoring, and unwavering commitment to biosecurity, ARK ensures that these majestic animals receive the care and protection they deserve. As guardians of equine health, ARK sets a benchmark for quarantine facilities worldwide, ensuring that every horse under their care is given the best possible start in their new home.